Sunday 19 March 2017

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Powerful Workouts For Health & Fitness In The Park

Think your neighborhood playground and park is just for kids? Think again! Monkey bars, swings, and a park bench picnic tables and jogging paths commonly can easily become all you need for an effective total-body workout.
There are so many great opportunities for fitness located conveniently in your nearest park. and all you need for an invigorating outdoor workout that is sure to help burn calories.
One of the main benefits of a park workout is the jogging path. It is a safe and effective aspect of working out in a park and do it as a standalone strength session anytime your workout needs a breath of fresh air!

How It Works Step By Step :

Unless otherwise noted, complete 10 to 12 reps of each exercises in order. Repeat the full circuit a total of 2 to 3 times.
Add a cardio element to this workout by running to and from the park, or doing alternate sprint intervals—sprinting for 30 seconds, then walking or slowly jogging for 30 seconds between bursts.

Upper Body Workout

1.Tandem grip pull up (Reps: 20 alternating)
Pulling your own bodyweight is one of the most effective upper body exercise movements that you can ever do. grip the bar with your left hand in front of your right, so that your left forefinger is nearly touching your right pinky finger. Pull up, shifting your body to the right to get around the bar. Slowly lower back to hanging and then repeat the pull-up, this time shifting to the left to get around the bar. That's one rep. Complete 5 to 6 reps, then switch your grip (right hand in front, left closer to your body) and repeat. (If you're more advanced, you can perform classic pull-ups instead.)
2. Park Bench Push-Up (Reps: As many as possible )
Stand facing bench in a squat position. Hold the back of the bench with hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Walk feet back a few steps so your body forms a diagonal line. (The farther away you walk, the harder the move will be). With elbows tucked at your side, lower torso to the bench, performing a push-up. Keeping your core engaged and hips lifted, push up to return to the starting position. (Use the seat of the bench (as pictured) to make this move harder.)
3. Skip-Ups (Reps: 20 alternating )
Stand facing bench, arms by sides. Quickly step right foot onto bench, driving left arm forward, and jump straight up. Land on right leg (on bench) and immediately step back down to start. Do 20 reps, alternating legs each time.
4. Dip (Reps:  As many as possible)
Suspend yourself over parallel bars and then lower your body until your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Perform 10 reps down to one rep as you have been.
Lower Body Workout

1. Bench Jump(Reps: 10-15 alternating )
Stand facing the bench with knees slightly bent and weight in your heels, prepared to jump. Jump up onto the bench, landing softly with knees bent. Step back down one foot at a time to complete one rep..
2. Power Burpees (Reps: 10 per leg )
Sit with both hands on edge of bench, knees bent, feet flat on the ground. Scoot forward until your hips are just off the bench. Bend elbows to about 90 degrees and bend right knee up into chest, foot flexed. As arms straighten, extend right leg out in front of hip. Do 10 reps, and then repeat on opposite side.
3. Dip and Kick (Reps: As many as possible)
Stand facing bench in a squat position. Quickly jump feet out behind body as hands land on top of bench, lowering into a pushup. Jump back into starting squat position and immediately jump up onto bench, swinging arms to help, landing in a squat. Jump back down to start position. Do as many reps in a row as you can safely handle.
Too tough? Take out the squat jump up and just keep it on the ground. To make it more challenging, perform your pushups on the ground (full burpee style).
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